Sunday, October 18, 2009

October Update

This week was a short week (because of Columbus Day), but the rest of the week seemed to be compressed into those three days. I am officially at the halfway point in my student teaching--starting next week I will have full teaching responsibility for four weeks. We are already starting to work really hard on getting ready for the Christmas program--there are a lot of words to be memorized and a lot of preparation to do!

Here is my October update--many of you will have gotten this by e-mail, but just in case I don't have your e-mail address yet or my e-mail got lost in cyber space here's my letter.

Dear Friends and Family,

I have been so encouraged as I have talked to many of you—knowing that your prayers are with me means so much. As I continue to prepare for leaving for Sakeji, it is good to know that I have your loving support. I am constantly amazed at the love the family of God showers on me and others. What a foretaste of the glories of heaven!

I just finished my sixth week of student teaching, and so far all has gone well. I can hardly believe I’ve reached the halfway point already! Next week I will assume full teaching responsibility for four full weeks. Being responsible for children ranging in age from 2 to 3rd grade is a challenge, but one that is preparing me and confirming my desire to be a teaching. I was placed with a wonderful mentor teacher who is very encouraging and full of wise advice as well as becoming a good friend. I am learning so much from Mrs. Stone, and we both marvel at how clear it is that Lord’s placed me in her classroom this semester. I have come to love my precious students at Trinity and will be sad to leave them come December even though I know I will love the students at Sakeji as well.

A few weeks ago I found out that I passed my PPR (pedagogy and professional responsibilities) exam with flying colors—all that now remains in the certification process is finishing up my student teaching and getting fingerprinted. Unfortunately because of the testing schedule I will not be able to add the 4-8 Generalist certification to my teaching certificate, but that might be something I could do on a furlough or at some later date. I will have the chance to attend a Charlotte Mason workshop later this month that should be both informative and very applicable to what I will be doing at Sakeji.

As of now it looks like shipping my books and other large items over via container are not going to be feasible options, so I am researching and praying about the best way to accomplish this overseas move. Its amazing how much stuff you realize you can do without when you are faced with the prospect of dragging it across a few continents! In the next few weeks I’m going to be trying to fix a departure date and buy a plane ticket. Your prayers for finding an affordable airfare, researching extra baggage allowances, and wisdom as to setting a departure date and my travel itinerary would be much appreciated!

I’ll do my best to keep you posted as the fall progresses and I get closer and closer to leaving for Zambia. I can hardly believe it is just short of three months! Keep checking my blog, for updates, and of course I would love to hear from each and every one of you! May God bless you richly this fall and as you enter the holiday season.

Yours in Christ,


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 5--DONE!

I can hardly believe that next week marks the halfway point in my student teaching experience. This was a good week--I added the first grade classes which are quite challenging, but I need all the practice with classroom management I can get! Who knew I needed to find my inner 'mean teacher?'

I've started to research airline tickets, and it appears that getting a round trip ticket will actually work out a little cheaper in the long run. Of course I won't use the second ticket--perhaps I can get some kind of credit or refund...

Next week I have Monday off (thank you Columbus!) and Tuesday is my first inservice day. Mrs. Stone and I decided that the proper way to celebrate Columbus day involved sleeping in! I'm a little nervous because my first formal observation is the day the kids get back--lets hope the first graders aren't too hyper and energetic that day! I hope I will be able to show that I've improved since that first visit...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I have successfully finished my fourth week of student teaching--I'm a third of the way through already! This Friday was Family Day at Trinity, and the lower school gave a wonderful performance for their parents. I was so proud of my kids and also very thankful that everything went so well. After all that preparation its always wonderful to be able to relax again!

This week I will be adding the 1st graders to the 2nd grade, 2 year old and 3 year old classes I'm already teaching. In just two weeks I'll have everyone from 2 years old to 3rd grade--scary thought! While I love my EC kids, I don't think I will ever be an EC teacher. I hope transitioning to working with older kids won't be a problem...

The container option for getting some of my books and larger things to Zambia has fallen through, so I am starting to explore other options. I also need to work on getting a Police Clearance Certificate or a suitable equivalent for my work permit. I'm hoping what I have from Mobberly will work, but if not, then I will need to get a hold of the proper paperwork.

I'm sending out my newsletter this weekend--I finally had a chance to sit down and work on the mailing list. If I missed anyone, please let me know and I'll put you on the list.

I can't believe that in just three months, Lord willing, I'll be leaving for Sakeji!