Sorry its been so long--somehow in the whirl of book reports, math, end of term program prep, and daily life, I've not gotten a blog update up in much longer than I meant to. Beth and I spent the weekend at the Kalenge Garden Get-A-Way, and arrived back just after 7 this morning. It was nice to get away from the kids, get off station, and play with Ceili. I managed to get a fair bit of marking done as well as taking a few naps! This week is exam week for the seniors, so one of my projects this afternoon is to get some exams written. I can't believe there is only a week and a half left of school!
Here is my June newsletter--I think a few of you somehow didn't make it onto my newletter list:
Dear Friends and Family,
I was thinking today about all the things that we do in Africa that are being done all over the world, but just a little differently. For instance, driving. When I go back to the States, I’m going to have some serious readjusting to do as out here when I drive, I practically never use my mirrors because first of all there is no traffic to speak of, and secondly I’m using all my concentration to hit the least amount of potholes. They say you can tell a drunk driver in Zambia because he’s driving straight! Also, hitch-hiking is a standard practice out here in the bush, but instead of sticking out a thumb, hopeful passengers make a dribbling motion with their hand that is either rewarded by the driver pulling over, or rejected by the driver holding out their empty hand palm up. Also, how many swimming times at a school start with a careful walk around the perimeter of the pool to check for snakes?
Its hard to believe that there are just three more weeks in the term, but ready or not, here it comes! Tim and Mary McDougall who came up to help us for the first five weeks of term have returned to Canada, and so things have gotten a little busier around here. However, the Lord has been faithful to provide new strength and energy each day. The Sakeji board meeting took place on June 24, and it was a great time of visiting, encouraging one another, and of course discussing the many things going on at Sakeji. One big project that has been undertaken this year is building the foundations for our new dinning hall. Brass Tacks teams will be coming out during the summer to assist us with this project, so we are currently digging the footings and dismantling all the things that are in the way of the new slab.
My toe seems to be healing up quite nicely after the nail was removed last month—praise the Lord! The new nail is just starting to be visible, so hopefully this time all the inflammation will be gone and my toe woes are over. I’m so thankful for my good health this term—there have been lots of coughs and colds making their way around the dorms, and so far the only staff member to be sick was Mr. Ronald. What started as a virus became malaria, and then some sort of infection that left him very weak, and then rather stiff and sore from the violent chills. Luckily he fell sick on his weekend off and half-term so even though he was in and out of bed for about a week and a half, it didn’t end up disrupting things around here that badly. We are so thankful that he is almost completely recovered now—praise the Lord!
Preparations for the end of term program are in full swing now. Beth is working on the drama side of things, and I’m teaching the kids all the songs. Extra solo practices are held a few days a week, and I’m sneaking more song practice into my Tuesday singing assembly. As Beth will be flying down to Lusaka the morning of the show, we are trying to get it pulled together as soon as possible so that I can manage with the help of a few assistant directors. I don’t know how Jill does it—I can’t imagine doing this by myself! I’m starting to get really excited though about the show and the great message it carries. Truly, no matter what we do our Shepherd loves us and wants us to be a part of His flock.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and loving support. I count myself very blessed to have such wonderful people in my life, and to know that I belong to the world-wide body of Christ. May we be found faithful wherever we are,