Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So, apparently I need to post to prove that I'm a) still alive and b) still well. This term has been incredibly busy and challenging, and I've just not had the energy at the end the day to try and think of interesting things to share. However, here goes.

*Birthday part was last week with a "Nursery Rhymes" theme. I went as one of the three men in the tub--the candlestick maker as I happen to have some nice brass candlesticks. I enjoyed the hamburgers and watching the kids enjoy the cakes and the shows afterwards.

*I have been enjoying playing some badminton with Beth in the evenings--it's nice to move about a bit and see my skills improving. Yesterday her dad joined us as well (he's out here to help with the dorm roof) and we had a great time together.

*I have been furiously knitting socks--I have a pair that are a late Christmas gift nearing completion, and a pair I cast aside the first year I was here after the third re-knit of the cuff is half done and I'm eager to work on the second sock. I'm trying to stave off the sweater I feel wanting to happen...

*An unfortunate side effect of regrouping our grades, is that the kids are all under the misapprehension that they haven't left their old grade. When your class and teacher don't change, I can see how it would be harder to realize you are at the next level, but it does wear on a certain teacher's nerves just a bit. ; )

*We have some really great short termers this year who I am really enjoying getting to know. The fact that one is an American homeschooler is also pretty cool!

*We have been getting A LOT of rain. The kids are being pushed, grumbling, into the sun at every available opportunity as they might not get another chance for awhile!

Well, it's only a few more minutes till a staff meetings so I had better go. I'll try and post a little more frequently!