It’s interesting to me that obedience to the Lord so often called for a measure of courage and faith. There are some things that we are asked to do that are, quite honestly, a little wild by this world’s standards. Also interesting to me, is that when you do take a deep breath, make the leap (or step!) of faith, you never crash and burn in spectacular failure. Yes, it might not go perfectly as you imagined it, but God blesses our slightest efforts towards obedience, and really, we have nothing to lose when we obey, but oh so much to gain. So why does it still take so much courage to step out in obedience to the Lord?
Speaking from my own personal experience, it takes a big measure of courage to admit that you have a food issue, and a big part of that issue is sin. It takes courage to decide that you aren’t going to live like that anymore. It takes courage to make the necessary changes to your eating and routine, and it takes courage to keep choosing self-denial over self-gratification—especially when you are surrounded by people who either don’t understand this journey you are on or will never need to go on a similar one.
Living in victory and obedience is a constant exercise in courage—being brave enough to make the changes to our routines and hearts that will result in better health and closeness to God. May I not forget what I have learned, and keep praising the Lord always for this body that He has given me that is a constant reminder to me that I need to fill myself with Him and His goodness, not the temporary pleasures of sugar and carbs.
“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid...for the Lord you God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6