Not a whole lot to report from our first week of school; it is only 4 days (counting the Saturday classes). All our students arrived back safely, though I had kids arriving all the way to Thursday morning (Tuesday evening is the target arrived-by time), I've pretty much managed to get everyone plugged in and sorted out. This saturday for handwork class we get back into what we were working on at the end of last term, and did our Kool-aid dying project. I couldn't take pictures during the actual activity; my hands were rather full! However, here is a picture of all the bags of Kool-aid and yarn sitting at the back of Upper School to get as much sun as possible to set the dye. That's why I do it in this term!
I will rinse them out and dry them for the girls, and at some point in the next few weeks I'll get the wound up on my ball winder. The girls love this activity, and though there are several cases of "Kool-aid hands" (mine being the worst!), there were no dying disasters.
One of my big projects this week other than getting my classroom ready for the term, was to order the supplies I'll need for the beginning of next year to go on the fall container. That meant a book order from Amazon for extras for my classroom and the library, a recorder order for music class, and a personal yarn and skirt order. I am so thankful for the people who pack the containers and make it possible for us to get North American goods! The fun thing is that I usually forget exactly what it is that I ordered, so it's not only exciting to receive the boxes, but it's exciting to see what I get!
A praise for this week is that we now know when the grade 7 exams are; the week of October 12-16th. Last year I only had three days warning about the exams, and my poor students had just got back from their Copper Belt tour. We were doing some more work on bases in class today in preparation; interesting concept, though not terribly practical...
Parting shot: