I am so glad that there are new mercies for every morning, and that no week lasts forever. This past week was quite a challenging on several levels. For one thing, last week my grade 7 students had seven national exams to write, and directly after writing the last one on Friday morning they and the grade 8’s and 9’s headed down to Chingola for their annual Sports Tour. So, there was a lot to do to get ready for that, and there was a lot of shuffling classes around to make sure that the most vital things were accomplished. Grade 6 wasn’t left out of the testing joy either—Phil had me doing a lot of Key Stage 2 (the British systems) assessments with them that ended up filling up a lot of the week as well. There was a personal melt-down early in the week when the last straw was reached over a vacuum cleaner (don’t ask), and I wadded through
so much marking. I had to get the grade 9 students ready for the practical part of their music exam, and there was, of course, the usual duties and things to accomplish.
After that, what a blessing to have a weekend off! To have the chance to make my favorite molasses spice cookies and a big pot of chili, drink good tea, knit, spend time with Ruthie and Beth, and just breath. It was a rainy weekend, so I got to enjoy the sound of rain from the comfort of my house for once! It is in the midst of times like these that the Lord’s goodness shines out all the more, and after some sleep, some time alone, and some time with Him, I am feeling better. So, just in case you thought I was some kind of super Christian, I am in need of grace just as much as the next person!
Parting shot: Grade 1 and 2 girls roller skating this half-term.