and found time to sneak in and do a balalika birthday cake.
We had a Russian dinner including peroshki (huzzah!), and the kids as always produced some lovely art.
My birthday was this weekend, and as I was off, it was a lovely weekend indeed! Naps! Cooking! Movies with friends! Knitting time! Laundry! This is the stuff bliss is made of… Don’t worry, I didn’t do any marking after lunch on the actual day, but I got caught up this afternoon and evening. I got a few cards and gifts from students including this lovely item lovingly crafted for me by a grade 3. Not sure what to call it, but am tickled with her creativity!
This week will also be a little intense, as it is a four day school week with half-term on Friday and Saturday. So, the phrase that will be on my lips all week as I continue my overcoming inertia efforts will be, “GET IT DONE! Because I CAN and I WILL haul you in here over half-term!” So, prayers for some extra grace for me, and some extra ‘want to’ for my students would not go amiss!
Also, it is board meeting at the school this week, so there will be a lot of traveling and a day of intense discussion of school affairs on the board’s part. Please pray for wisdom for them as they have a difficult issue to discuss.
In just the last few days the weather has noticeably gotten colder at night—yay dry season! I’ve started pulling out socks in the evenings, and soon I’ll be firing up my new heater. Looking forward to what cold weather I can get—hand knits time!
Parting shot: Grade 2’s in music class working on their pictures as we listened to Pictures at an Exhibition.