This week has been interesting. Valentine’s day was a lot of fun with cards appearing all day on my desk from different students. The kids had a lot of fun showing their appreciation for friends and teachers, and there was a nice air of brotherly love going around. Sadly, they did not put the same enthusiasm into their work, so we have been trying to get back on the right foot ever since.
I was on this weekend, and in addition to dealing with the usual supervision things, I found that someone had pooped in the trashcan in the hall bathroom, and some has been emptying out all the hand soap and filling the dispenser with water. What even?
Oh the good side of things, my two kids who are on probation are going to be able to stay in 7th grade, and thought it stormed most afternoons, I’ve found a low-impact workout that I can mostly do (who knew how much you use your tendons for lunges?) when I can’t bike. Oh, and here is the bike:
It’s nothing fancy, but I am very grateful for it. Even though it does take up a lot of room in my kitchen…
Half-term is Friday and Saturday of this week, and it’s midterm marks time, so my kids have several tests and a leaf collection project due this week. Should be interesting!
If you think about it, please pray for the kids. There has been a lot of immature and plain mean behavior lately--more than usual. Pray for us that we will with grace dispense justice, and that we will help root out these character flaws in our students.
Parting shot: I got a big kick out of watching some first and second graders play doctor while on Sunday morning supervision. There was a dramatic death scene, ‘shots’, and careful knee reflex checking! I love it when kids play imaginatively like that.