As I write this, we are two weeks into our third term of school. After leaving two weeks early from second term to be in the States for my sister’s wedding, it was good to see the students again and hear about their holidays. As this is our last term, everything must be finished in (now) 10 short weeks! I have been very busy with tweaking the grade 6 & 7 curriculum and resources list for the teacher who will replace me next year, getting rid of as many things as I can out of my classroom and house, and choosing and starting to work on all the music that will need to be learned for our special end of term events. I hope to leave Zambia a day or two after term, as I hope to visit some family on my way home for a second sibling wedding. There are so many people in my life, including myself, who are in or about to be in a season of change; I find myself ever thankful for a good God who is in control of all circumstances!
This year has been a very difficult one in my classroom; I have a group of students with a higher proportion of more serious needs which has been very challenging to try to meet. I have students with greater learning challenges, greater attitude challenges, and some who have some serious immaturity issues that affect them in every area of their lives right now. Prayers for wisdom, compassion, patience, and stamina as I am tested more than I have ever been as a teacher before are greatly appreciated. This would be a lot to work through under normal circumstances, but as it is my last year and I have so many other things going on it has been pretty overwhelming. One of the benefits of this year is it has driven me to the Lord and forced me to confront issues in my own life. I am learning a lot about mental patterns, setting boundaries, and obedience in the hard places. Not that you ever stop learning about those things, but this year has been an intensive course!
When I was home this summer I visited the podiatrist two more times as my tendinitis had improved to a certain point, but was no longer getting any better. I so appreciate a doctor who is very sensitive to and accommodating of my rather unique lifestyle! I got outfitted with a walking boot in combination with the insoles and brace at the end of July to immobilize the tendon and allow it to heal further. When I went back a week before leaving for Zambia, he was pleased with the progress I had made, and I will be wearing the boot for a few more weeks, the brace for several weeks after that, and then hopefully I will be able to transition to only insoles and shoes with good arch support. While traveling with and performing my duties around the school with the boot has been more interesting, I am so thankful to be this close to having a normal life again! I also was able to have a very helpful massage session to work on my neck and shoulder which were quite painful. Since coming back to the school they have flared up again, but I am hopeful that starting in December with the lifestyle change and being able to get more regular treatments I will see real improvement there too. So, prayers for grace and healing as I navigate my physical challenges on top of everything else would be greatly appreciated.
I have been working on planning what I can for my return to the States at the end of the year, but it is a little difficult to make too many plans at this stage. At the moment I will be living with my parents in my hometown until I can get a car, a job, and a place of my own. I will look for a full-time teaching job in TX for the time being, but realistically will likely being doing sub work and whatever other part time jobs I can find until the fall. I would like to work for the library to start getting some experience there as well as work for a particular Classical Christian school in my hometown. One of the most pressing needs as I go back is to find an affordable, reliable vehicle so I will have the ability to get a job. I have leased vehicles for Missionary Tec Team when I’m home in the States for the last several years, and they have a contact who often helps returning missionaries find cars. So, please pray for the right car, for the right job, and the right apartment as I move into next year. It is a little overwhelming to think about essentially starting my life completely afresh, but at the same time I am so excited to see what God works in this new phase of my life. I have not had such peace in years, and even though there are many details yet undecided, our God is faithful.
Thank you so much to the many of you who have reached out and encouraged me in various ways this year. I love hearing what the Lord is doing in your lives, and am so grateful for all the prayers over the years. May we all become more like Him as we serve where we have been called.