Friday, September 24, 2010


We had our first rain on Tuesday night--it was so wonderful! Things have been so hot, so dry, and so brown that we have all been longing for the relief a storm would bring. When the first thunderclap came overhead during supper, all the kids cheered! Ah, nothing like the sound of rain on a tin roof, or the smell of it falling on African soil. Praise the Lord for His goodness!


  1. We had a tin ruff on the house I was raised in.
    Glad you got the rain. Was beginning to wonder
    if this new school semester had worn you out!!

    Work and hot weather take a toll. Hope all is
    going well for you...Hugs, gw

  2. My parents have always wanted a tin roof, just for the rain. It's been raining here, too, and cooling off. So nice. It's fall in Texas!

    Miss you!

  3. Lina: Just went back & read my message. Couldn't
    help laughing at my spelling of roof !! sounded
    like a Dog barking..Ha gw
