Sorry--it's been far too long, but by the time I stagger home at the end of the day, the last thing I feel like doing is lugging the laptop to the admin to do internet stuff. Here are a few snapshots of things that have been going on in the past several weeks:
*The rains have started again and what was a brown, dry land is becoming lush and green again. Love it!
*I got stung by a scorpion on my foot--ouch! My foot really hurt that night, but by the next day was just all weird and tingly. No, I did not eat the tail. Yes, scorpion stings are pretty much as bad as everyone says they are!
*I had a very trying weekend that involved a stupid decision made by one of my students that had the whole school in an uproar, and interrupted many people's evening plans. We are continuing to pray for the Lord's work in this student's heart and mind--he is a Christian, but he really needs the Lord right now!
*I undertook a new ministry this last weekend that I think will be very exciting, but very challenging for the first bit. On my weekends off I'm teaching some of the 'grans' over at the orphanage to knit--in semi-Lunda! Any prayers sent my way regarding wisdom, stamina, and the ability to retain the language would be appreciated! I've taught many people how to knit, but never armed with the sole words "to knit" and "knot." Good thing my life is never boring...
*I survived birthday party as a lion--fully made up face and southern lady hair and everything! I also survived the sugar overdoes caused by ingesting kids birthday cake (the more candy the better!), and the whopping cold someone very considerately passed along to me. I'm really hoping that this means that I'm not going to be sick in December... Pass the oil of oregano, will you? Or the euthanasia...I mean echinacea!
Great to hear how things are going at Sakeji. Nice to see you getting involved with Hillwood orphans. Greet every one for us.