There are many things about being a missionary that are hard, and some of them are things that you can’t prepare for or do much about. When people you love back home are hurting and going through hard times, there isn’t much you can do other than pray fervently and call or send e-mails. Sometimes I would love nothing more than to take someone out for coffee and listen and pray for them, but for now it’s physically impossible. When you are seven hours ahead of home updates can be longer in coming, and power outages can make checking e-mail difficult. I’m so thankful that there are people here that I trust enough to share those really personal prayer requests, and that they are there to listen so I can talk. We are a community and a family through our Savior, and when we are honest with each other and brave enough to admit our struggles and pain there is so much love and grace available to us. While it isn’t always easy to trust the Lord with my life, it can sometimes be harder to trust Him with the lives of the people I care for and miss back home. It’s an interesting side lesson to go with trust in my own life, and one that can be hard to do. Yet, “I know whate’re befalleth, Jesus doeth all things well,” and my heart will choose to praise Him even when the dread question “Why?” whirls round my brain.
I’m enjoying my first weekend off of the term, and doing such important things as taking naps, getting caught up on some marking, and playing with yarn and Easter egg dye.
I’m very grateful for having a helper in handwork this term—15 grade 3 and 4 girls are quite a handful! We’re making up some felt bag kits that a dear lady back in Longview sent over for me. When we’re done I’ll post a picture of my kids with their creations. I’m getting a good idea of what my mother must have put up with from me when I was their age, and while teaching them real sewing and knitting skills are probably giving me gray hairs, I’m also thankful for a chance to pass on what I have been taught, and to give them something they can take and use for the rest of their lives. I think handwork should be part of every elementary and middle school curriculum—yes, it can be a real challenge, but the benefits make it totally worth it. Anything that teaches fine motor skills, patience, perseverance, and quality of execution is a good thing!
Here is my newly planted flower bed--my strawberries are on the wall above waiting for me to finally decide where to put them. I love the color of this time of year!
I had 4 little girls in my Sunday School class & with me in Church also today & then brought 2 of them home for Lunch & then we played games at my Apt. & had prizes when they won. I was ready to take them home after 3 hrs.!! Can't imagine 15 of them! Of course I have a few yrs on me too..Ha Yes, it must be hard when you want to be home for a situation there, but maybe it is better you are not involved except to pray?? I was also praying. Have a good week. Hugs, gw