Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Half -term

This Monday and Tuesday is Half-term at Sakeji school, and it's been really nice so far. Yesterday I took the seniors tubing down the river with Beth, and we managed to have a pretty good time even though the river is very low right now. My shoulders are sore today, but the bits where you could just relax and float instead of scraping yourself down the river on an inner tube were lovely. My crazy dog Hazel came tubing with us--she swam when it was too deep for her, and charged all over in the shallow bits. Whenever somebody screamed because of the cold water or a spider, she dashed over to make sure that they were alright. Silly dog! She even walked over the dam with the kids--I'm impressed!

Today it's raining, so the kids are enjoying quieter pursuits. I'm in my classroom working on some marking too bulky to take home with me. We have had a rather dry year so far, so rain is a much appreciated blessing. Later this afternoon I want to do some cleaning at the house, and I might even go wild and start a puzzle! I can't believe it's already February--the half-way point of the term is rushing up. Where does the time go?


  1. The other day I saw a scar on my leg and I couldn't figure out what it was from. Then I remembered it was from a scrape while tubing last term! I'm glad you had a great half term and that you have a chance to catch up on marking! God bless! ~Yolanda~

  2. Tubing brings back fond memories of the Canoe & going down the river.. To bad when we get older our body doesn't cooperate with the mind. If I got down in a canoe or tube now, I couldn't get up!!Ha So enjoy it while you are young.. Tubing here now would be on 6" of snow! Ha Have a good week. Love gw
