Saturday, May 24, 2014

Week 4 already?

I really have very little to report about this week. It was a week!

1. It was rather busy
2. I did a lot of marking
3. I did a lot of teaching
4. I finally started to succumb to the nasty bug that has being going around the school ever since the kids came back. So far I just have a hint of a sore throat, though I was rather achey on the first day.
5. Some disappointing issues have come up among the senior students this week; we’re praying for wisdom in dealing with them.
6. It continues to get colder and colder as we move into dry season; handknit socks are a great asset this time of year!
7. I have a few more sprouts in my garden, but I forgot to take any pictures of them. So far I have peas, pumpkins, tomatoes, and I think some eggplant sprouting. No sign of the carrots yet…

Something really encouraging that happened this week was a less than 24 hour visit by Ken and Allan from CMML. They were in the country for Chitokiloki’s 100th anniversary, and they took the time to come up to Sakeji to talk to Janette and I, the only two American missionaries currently on station. I was so blessed by getting to visit with these guys, and to have them take time to seek me out and get to know me! I’ve never had a friend or family member come visit me out here, and that vast majority of our visitors are Canadians who at least half the staff knows in some capacity, so having people come to see me was such an encouragement. And, while I’m not super patriotic, it was good to have a shared nationality as a common denominator for a little while!

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