* I survived the end of the 2018 school year, which included report cards, playing for the program, prize giving, interviews, and lots of teary children saying goodbye. God gave strength, and I stayed healthy. I'm so grateful for his help in ending well!
* With the help of the incredibly generous and helpful Ruthie and Anna I spent an intense afternoon and evening working on packing up my house and leaving it ready for some much needed maintenance. I did not get as far as I would have liked, but without those two wonderful ladies helping me I would have been in much worse shape.
* While I was packing up, I found that I had been robbed and among other things, my laptop and all my cash had been stolen. The thing that makes me really sad, is that it had to have been one of the school's employees, and they would have had to watch all afternoon for a chance to get into the house when no one was there. On the plus side, they left my cards and documents, and I had just backed up my files the day before. So, while it is pretty inconvenient to have lost a tool I can ill afford to replace just now, things could have been so much worse. Not that this is likely to leak out the rural community I just left, but if you want more details please communicate with me directly, in respect for the person handling this at the school's request.
* I spent an afternoon and a day in Lusaka with some longtime friends before heading out on a whirlwind tour of Germany! I have an uncle and aunt, and several cousins living there, so I got to see the Frankfurt area, the Black Forest, and Bavaria. I had so much fun reconnecting with my family, and it was a very healing time to talk through some things and bounce some plans off wise people. I'm so thankful for belonging to a family of wanderers and Christ followers that makes time for each other and supports each other in the Lord.
Now I'm back in the States, and will be heading to Colorado for my brother's wedding tomorrow. Some prayer points for me at this moment include,
* Wisdom in replacing my laptop and beginning to restart my life Stateside
* Health as I've done a great deal of traveling during cold season, and I feel one starting to take a grip. I'd rather be well for Christmas!
* Finances--an unexpected electronic need as well as the need for a car so I can find a job quickly has left things a little stretched.
* Traveling safety as my family and I head to Colorado and back. There are no guarantees in this life!
Thanks so much for all your prayers and encouragement, and I look forward to a new chapter in my life and a new adventure with the Lord. While there are a lot of things for me to work through, I am so excited to see what will come next!