I found a huge termite mound under the bookcase in my room, and by the time I had a spare minute to deal with it I have over a bucketfull of dirt, and had to get the trowel to chip it out. Thankfully there was almost no evidence of the termites themselves, so hopefully between that and the "Blue Doom" powder I put down I won't have any more issues.
I have been walking carefully but with more confidence on my ankle, and so far so good! In fact, this afternoon I rode my bike on the airstrip for the first time since I left in July. I am so thankful to be getting my life back! It’s been a long road, but God has provided help and resources every step of the way. Here’s hoping that by December I won’t even need the brace! I sure am going to need some new shoes though; the pair I got in May has already developed a hole… Just in time for rainy season!
Another thing I worked on last week was planning my return to the States via Germany. I need to be back by the 15th for my brother’s wedding, but I wanted to take this last opportunity when I was ‘passing by’ to visit my uncle, aunt, and cousins that I haven’t seen for 7 years. There are lots of pieces to account for and plan; getting to Lusaka, which airports in Germany to use, and leaving myself enough time to re-pack a bag for the trip to Colorado. I think things are almost sorted out now; pieces seem to be falling into place, and I’ll be glad to have my tickets booked!
Speaking of Christmas, the kids have been working on Christmas art, and these reindeer in the hall just crack me up. I especially like the fellow at the bottom right with the tinny carol book!
A big answer to prayer regarding my cat, Java, came this weekend. One of the board members told me about another single lady who’s cat had just died, and suggested she might be interested in taking Java. I heard back that yes, she would like my cat, and I am so relieved! Finding a good home for my cat has been much on my mind these last few weeks; somewhere she will be taken good care of and have a chance to thrive. I wish I could take her back with me; Java has been one of God’s greatest gifts to me during my time here. However, it just isn’t practical with the cost, the distance, and the stress it would be on my cat. So, I am incredibly thankful that the Lord worked things out for this seemingly small detail of my transition.
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