Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter

I overheard a conversation this morning where someone was wished a "Happy Easter!" to which they replied in all seriousness, "What does that even mean?" The first person responded that we are happy that Christ rose from the dead and then moved on, but I've been thinking about it a lot today.

For the group of people I'm currently living with and around, Easter means being at church all day and maybe, if demanded, singing an Easter song or two. From my 'wild' church background, Easter Sunday was an exciting time of joyous worship, a new outfit, an Easter egg hunt, and a big meal that figured ham prominently. Easter was special; the culmination of the story that started at Christmas, and the reason why Christians could have joy no matter the circumstances. It was something to look forward to, not just for the eggs and new dress, but for the atmosphere of joy that was usually only matched at Christmas time. As a musician, it was a chance to do something special to show my gratitude for so great a salvation provided for ME.

So, what does "Happy Easter" mean?
It means that we are happy that our Savior rose from the dead; if Christ is not risen, then we are still in our sins.
It means that today is special; a day when we particularly rejoice through song, sermons, and activities because we have a hope and a future.
It means that a sacrifice had been made that was once for all, and that was good enough to satisfy the just wrath of God. No longer would sin be just covered over for a time. God's plan of redemption came to fullness on that Sunday morning, and for the first time in history His people could be forgiven fully.
It means that every Sunday and every day of the year we can have joy because of Easter.

It means that I will rejoice and celebrate this happiest of days, and I will look forward to celebrating it in heaven where I have a feeling Easter is a bigger party than Christmas. The great stoop of God becoming flesh is trumped by the just Son of God dying for the unjust. The angels stand amazed at this story; why wouldn't we? Easter is the first taste of the redemption of all creation that is coming; how can we stay silent?

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your post. At times, I wonder what Easter is all about. Then I remember that God was satisfied with His Son's death and finished work on the cross, so God raised His Son from the dead. If God was satisfied, should not we be satisfied, also.
    In Christ,
