Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lots of little things add up

While I knew it would likely end up this way, I'm rather disappointed that I haven't been able to find a teaching or desk job for this spring (so far!). I finally heard back in the negative about the job I interviewed for over a month ago in the next school district, and I haven't heard back about any of the other local jobs I've applied for. However, I had a good phone interview with a classical Christian school a few towns over, and I was asked to apply for another one further south, and I'm waiting to hear about an interview for another one a few towns over, so it's not over yet! I plan to check out schools in the DFW area as well, and see if they have openings for the fall.

In the meantime I've been doing some odd jobs to help get me to a full time job. I've house/dog sat for a friend from church, I made knit and crochet circles for a friend's Alzheimer mat project, and I've start driving for Lyft. My hometown isn't exactly a Lyft hotspot, but I've had good experiences so far, and plan on going to a bigger city nearby to try and make a bit more in the next few days. Also, I'm going to be working for my dad at the pre-school cleaning contract he does three nights a week, so that will be another bit of income. I'm still on two classical Christian school's sub lists, and one has already booked me for two days in the next few weeks. It feels like I'm not doing enough, but all these little bits are making something. So, the process of praying, waiting, and trusting continues, but at least I've got a little bit to show for my time now.

This week I have an appointment with a pastor at the new counseling center here in town which is an outreach of one of our local churches. One of the things I strongly felt I needed to do when I got home was to have some help unpacking the last 9 years and getting some Biblical perspective and help sorting through the complex process that is reentry/almost complete life change. I am committed to the process of healing as well as the ongoing, lifelong process of sanctification. Thank the Lord He's not finished with me yet!

So, while this season continues to be challenging and a test of my patience, little pieces are coming together, and the Lord IS working for and through me. I can't wait for the day when I'll be more settled, but until then I'm trying to learn the lessons that this season of my life is sent to teach me.

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