Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Only three more weeks of term to go, and what a lot has to happen in those three weeks! It’s a little overwhelming when I think of rehearsals for the Christmas program, finishing up my planned lessons, finals week, report cards, and all the extra things that happen at the close of a school year. It’s a good thing I serve the Lord, the giver of strength to the weary!
The rainy season is now officially started, and we are looking forward to the weather cooling off a bit more. After just a few weeks the grass and leaves are springing to life and once again Sakeji is becoming a very green spot. With all the rain there are also changes in the amount of insect life out and about as well as snakes. Flying ants, or ‘tuswa’ have been out in full force, we are once again keeping an eye out for army ant columns as we walk, and all kinds of other interesting bug have made their appearance as the rains flush them out. There have been more snake sightings this term as well—praise the Lord for His protection of the staff and children! I had a near encounter with a big snake down at the dam a few weeks ago and had a small, bright green snake on my porch a few days later. Fortunately for us the 60 students make so much noise and commotion that generally snakes don’t venture into the main part of the station, which is a very good thing as there are so many small children who don’t pay much attention to their surroundings.
The grade 7 exams were successfully written the last week of October, so now the students can relax a bit and focus on finishing out the term well. Of course they are also anxiously awaiting their exam results! Not only do we have the national exam to administer, but this is also a busy time of year for us because we are interviewing new students and their families. We are also going to be making decisions about students who might need to be held back a year. Your prayers for wisdom for us are greatly appreciated. We have recently been remembering as a staff the promise in James, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously...” This term break we will also be looking at our curriculum, considering resources to purchase, and planning for the future. There are a lot of exciting dreams and plans for Sakeji in the next few years, and we want to make sure that we proceed to the glory of the Lord and in His will.
Since term ends on December 1, we are having to fit in all the Christmas things this month, so Jill and I will be making Christmas cookies with the senior girls tomorrow to serve to the parents at the end of term show, and rehearsals are in full swing for the end of term program featuring songs about bells and angels. We are going to be starting our school advent calendar next week, and I have been reading an advent story to the children in prayers. I’m excited about my first Sakeji Christmas and all the little ways we’ll celebrate with the kids before they go home. We would appreciate your prayers for all of us, students and staff, to finish this term out strong, and that the program will be a blessing to the parents.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support—I am so thankful for the wonderful circle of family and friends the Lord has blessed me with. How wonderful to know that I am loved and prayed for. May we be found faithful in what He has called us to,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lina: Thanks for taking the time to again
    fill us in on what is happening in your life.
    Yes, I do pray for you & will be more focused in
    the coming days, making sure I pray extra for you.
    I went to Mich. today to visit my Brothers family
    & my Sisters family & her son & wife..
    Wish we had lived close enough so I could have
    watched you grow from a small girl..(smile)
    May God watch over you...Love gw
