Saturday, December 11, 2010

December Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Praise the Lord for all His goodness! Third term is successfully finished, the program, “Let the Bells Ring, Let the Angels Sing!” was a great success, and thought it was very busy, we had some great conversations with parents and our other visitors. I found a lot of the parent interviews a little bitter-sweet as I’m going to miss my seven 6th graders next year as they are moving up into Phil’s classroom, but I’m sure the incoming 5th graders will keep me so busy I won’t have much time to lament the kids getting older!

This past week has been a busy one at Sakeji as we decided to hold a work week to take care of a lot of big projects that we don’t have time to attend to during the term. I helped straighten out the library and the school photo albums. In the afternoons the classroom teachers sat down to map out our curriculum so it was more unified and to make things easier for us as we plan our terms, and then in the evenings we meet for a time of fellowship and ministry. One thing we did that I particularly enjoyed was spending two evenings looking at the names of God. It was so good to be reminded of all the things that God is and what He has done for His people.

This term break I intend to stay on station and enjoy a quiet Christmas with Jill and Bethany. Most of the other staff members are going to be traveling for some part of the holidays, so it will be up to us three ladies to keep things going and hold down the fort. I’m looking forward to this special, quiet time though—Jill and I have lots of projects planned and I think we are all looking forward to cooking up some Christmas goodies!

I have a lot of reading to do to prepare for this next term of school, but now that I’ve taught through the curriculum once, I have a much better idea of what needs to happen in each term! They say your first year of teaching is the hardest, and after that you have some experience to make things easier. I would say that I do have a lot more experience than I did last January, but I’m looking forward to gaining even more wisdom on how to best teach my precious students!

November brought us another full time staff family—Doug and Maryanne Hanna. Doug is our computer person, and Maryanne is taking on some of the office duties. Both of them will be involved with the children as well, taking various supervisory and teaching roles. Their daughter, Ellie, seems to be fitting in well already and looks forward to starting third grade next month. In January Beth Sheach is going to be returning to take the 1st and 2nd grade class, and Mark and Janette are going to be team teaching 3rd and 4th grade with support from all of us. I will still be the homeroom teacher for the 5th and 6th graders, and Phil will have the 7th and 8th grade class. We are still doing a lot of praying and planning for Sakeji in the future as well as praying for more teachers. Ideally we would like to have a teacher for each grade, but we know that the Lords raises up the right people at the right time for His work, and are doing our best to be faithful in the work He has called us to.

Thank you all so much for all your letters, e-mails, and prayers over this year. This has been one of the craziest, but best years of my life, and I look forward to future years of serving the Lord in this wonderful place. I am reminded over and over again that when you are where the Lord wants you to be, you will find abundant blessings and joy. What a privilege to take a small part in His work, and to be serving Him in the beautiful country of Zambia.

May you all have a very, merry Christmas, and a blessed new year.


  1. Dear Lina: You sound so well adjusted..I am pleased
    as I wondered how you would handle being away
    from home on the Holiday. Probably harder on
    your Mom than you?? I am so proud of what
    you are doing & hope you have a great Christmas. Hugs, gw

  2. Dear Lina: We are snowed in this morning, so
    imagine you would like some of that snow there
    for you to play in?? Ha I'd gladly send it all
    to you..Ha gw
