Monday, November 6, 2017

Catch up, a praise, and a prayer request

Sorry about last week folks; the story of this term is barely averted burial alive under marking/responsibility mountain, and with Tuesday being taken up by Independence Day, I just didn’t recover enough until this weekend…when I was blessedly off again. So, to sum up:

Independence Day happened! Swimming, king of the plank, bonfire, good day.

A fantastic grasshopper was discovered and enjoyed,

And we started some Christmas crafts in handwork.

Ever since I arrived back in the country in early May, I have been praying earnestly that the funds would be there for me to go home for Christmas. Yes, I was just in the States. However, there are some things I need to do that I can only do from that end of the ocean, and after the two term I’ve had, it’s the only I way I know of to actually get a break (you’re never truly on break while you’re in the country). When I first opened my remittance this month I was crushed because it wasn’t going to be responsible to buy that plane ticket. And then, the next day, the Lord provided a way for me to go home for Christmas. So, with much thanksgiving, I’m starting to set some things aside for going HOME!

Finally, a prayer request. I haven’t mentioned this yet because I never in a million years dreamed it would go on so long, but I injured my left ankle pretty significantly a little over 9 weeks ago, and it is still really troubling me. I can walk and I have some good stretches over the day when it hardly hurts, but then other times I’m reduced to limping along at rather less than my normal speed. I have no idea what I did to initially injure it, but I am so ready for it to be healed. As a teacher, I spent great chucks of every day on my sore foot, and spend lots of time walking around the very uneven grounds of the station. Prayers that it will heal up before I fly and head home for December would be very much appreciated!

Only three more weeks!

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