Monday, November 13, 2017

Half-term, and an update

First, a two minute health update: I had the school nurse check it out, and apparently the two big ligaments that connect in the inside of my left ankle are what the issue, and there is a lot of swelling. So, wrapping while walking and standing, ibuprofen, and taking a week totally off from recreational walks, and more icing is what we are doing to try and keep the swelling down enough that it can heal up. So, prayers that this will help and that I have only strained and not torn my ligaments would be appreciated! I have a lot I need to do in the was going to say 3 weeks, but really the rest of my life. And I'd like to be able to do it without limping and pain!

Monday and Tuesday last week were half-term, the last interruption holiday of term. Now it's just a straight shot through the last three week! I didn't take a lot of pictures over half-term; I was pretty busy. Ruthie and I made sleds and key ornaments with the 5th and 6th grade girls--an interesting morning!

Some other staff members set up a live 'Angry Birds' game--the kids loved it! They also found out it was harder to shoot with the big slingshot than they had thought...

Ruthie, Anna, and I took the gr 7-9's out for an evening in which we finished watching Hidden Figures and then played "Heads Up." We think our hearing might come back in time...the kids got pretty intense with it!

The grade 7 national exams are over--PRAISE THE LORD!, so now it is down to the business of finishing off the school year well. There are some things with students that need to be decided, and of course a million and one things that need to happen before I can head home for the holidays. Prayers for strength, sanity, and grace are appreciated!

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