Monday, June 26, 2017


Last week was quite busy; even though I had written my mid-term reports, there were a few tests that needed to be written, given, and marked, and the usual rounds of homework to wade through. I was very tired last week; partially because I am trying to fight off the cold that is going around, partly because I was probably fighting something else off, and partially because I’m a middle school teacher. More progress was made on the shop remodel,

and I got a few things done while I was off this weekend. I transplanted a rose I started from a cutting,

and I went through the carbon removal process and refilled my kerosene heater’s tank using the ingenious siphon it came with. What can I say, I’m easily amused!

Speaking of amused, one of my 6th graders made me laugh for at least two minutes straight by writing this on the first page of her scripture notebook:

Yes, she is a special snowflake…

On Sunday I started to feel nauseous, and I’ve spent most of today being very careful, resting (because it’s my afternoon off and I can!), and trying to get over this bug. Hopefully I’ll be up to full speed tomorrow, as it’s going to be a long day. This week is also a busy one as Sport Day is on Saturday and half-term is next Monday and Tuesday, so there will be a lot of IT MUST BE DONE. Looking forward to some break though!

Parting shot: Happy winter solstice from the southern hemisphere! And why yes, that IS a poinsettia tree!

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