Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Baby steps

Well, I am still not employed, but I did get the chance to connect and sub at another local classical Christian school last week, and as of today I am an approved Lyft driver, so that should be both interesting as well as helping me work towards independence again. Unfortunately I seem to have picked up bronchitis, so I'm hoping I can get over that quickly as I continue to job hunt not just for now, but also for the fall. I have a location and a tuned piano to use for teaching; there are still a few things I need to think through on that front, but hopefully I'll be able to find a few students. This has been a very challenging season of life for me, but I am trying to view it as a growing time as well, where I work on some areas that need refining as I head into my next chapter. I was thrilled and encouraged to see a rainbow yesterday evening while on the north side of town; it's been very gray and rainy the last week, and to have a beautiful reminder of God's faithfulness painted so brilliantly across the sky was so encouraging. God is good, all the time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Still waiting

Well, I was kind of hoping to have more to share before the next time I wrote, but it's been a month, so I guess y'all are about due for an update. I am still deep in the process of trying to find a job; I have several applications/inquiries out, and an interview on Friday, so I'm praying for guidance, patience, and direction. I have a place to teach piano, so I am working through the steps needed before I start my piano studio up again. I did some subbing for a local classical Christian school and hope to do some more if I am not able to find a traditional i.e. full time job. I'm slowly starting to find ways to connect in town again, and I'm looking to start volunteering at the library. It's a mixed blessing, this slower pace of life. On the one hand I'm realizing how desperately I was in need of rest-physical, mental, and emotional. On the other, I really need to have some sort of income by the end of the month. So, hour by hour I'm trying to take advantage of opportunities and ideas while still trusting that God knows what He is doing with this unstable feeling season. Thank you to everyone who is praying and encouraging; knowing people are rooting for me makes all the difference. I don't know what all God is doing right now, but I'm trying to use the slowness to listen better. As I keep reminding myself, no time spent getting to know God better is ever wasted!