Monday, November 12, 2018

Gr 7 Exams are done, and the last quarter of term is begun!

The lasts keep coming! This weekend I hosted my last senior Friday night out and taught my last senior Sunday school. Because of half-term I was able to get caught up—just, but things are starting to move faster into that end of term rush. I have had multiple conversations and meetings with the headmaster and the head teacher about my challenging classroom, and I’m having to continue working on some hard lessons about not basing my worth as a human and a teacher on how much my students perform (or, as is the current case, don’t).

Praise the Lord the ECZ grade 7 exams are over, and there a straight three week shot to the end of term. Of course there are many activities that need to happen in that time, but at least there are no more special days to derail the train!

Parting shot: I took almost no pictures this week, but this flower is blooming away like a firework in my garden, and it has made me smile on some rough days.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A string of lasts

As I go into the last four weeks of term, the ‘lasts’ are starting to come one after another. Last week was my last school birthday party, and this week Monday and Tuesday was my last half-term. The last early morning swim (complete with roaring fire in the chota and hot chocolate),

and the last nshima lunch down at the river. My last activity--this time making snowflakes with the grade 5-6 girls.

I’m preparing for my last end of term, my last program (my shoulder is soooo ready for this to be over), and my last parent interviews. While there is an overwhelming number of things that have to take place between now and December 16th (my brother’s wedding), I am so, so thankful for the Lord providing step by step. A basket to transport my cat in made it up to me today. Three big pieces of marking were accomplished in an evening. Clarity is being given regarding the books remaining on my shelves. A ride back from the airport when I arrive Stateside has been arranged. A trip through Germany on the way home to see family has worked out. A start towards finding a car (that’s a big prayer point by the way—I’m going to need my own car so I can get a job!). While there are still many details that haven’t been sorted out yet, I am learning to unwrap this wonderful, messy gift of a new start one bit at a time.

The birthday party theme was Christmas Carols, so I went as “I Head the Bells of Christmas Day.” The show had more songs than skits, so it was actually rather enjoyable. I didn’t have time to decorate a cake, but I appreciated other’s efforts as always!

There was quite a bit of uncertainty with the ECZ exams; the grade 9 exams were suspended for a few weeks because of leaked answers (nothing new by the way), and it looked like the grade 7 exams might be canceled. Thankfully they worked things out and my students started writing Monday. They are not thrilled about them being over half-term, but that does make things a little easier for me!

Please pray for me as I continue to sort through things in my house, make decisions about where to give things and what to take. Pray for wisdom as I try to leave my classroom and curriculum in as good shape as possible for my replacement, and pray for help as I finish up this overwhelming term. Pray for my shoulder to hold out through the end of term shows, and for me to have the endurance to get through all my work while also having the sensitivity to my students that I need. Four more weeks!