Thursday, December 24, 2009

Not dead yet...

Despite my long radio silence, I am not dead and in fact am in the thick of trying to pack up my life so I'll be ready to board that plane on December 31st. Its strange how many things you accumulate as you journey through life--examining my things gives me an interesting glimpse into the person I was, the person I am now, and the stages in between. At this point I just want to BE there and have an end of all packing, sorting, and deciding what stays, goes, and comes later. However, this is but another season in my greater journey, so I guess I'll continue to lean on my merciful Father as I wade through it and do my best with the tasks that are currently given to me.

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas--my last Christmas at home. Thank goodness that soon the goodbyes will stop and the hello's begin! Its hard to believe that after so long, my dream is finally about to start.

P.S. I'm a full blown, certified teacher now! Praise the Lord, it is only through His almighty hand that I have not given up, died, or sworn off teaching forever. Truly He is faithful!


  1. Yay, for teacher Lina! *applause*

    I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. :)

  2. Yay Lina!!! I'm so excited for you and proud of you! Congratulations!
