Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dear Friends,

I don't think I've mentioned it before, but shortly after arriving in Zambia I found out that my Opa, my dad's dad had stomach cancer and was going to have surgery on February 24 to remove his stomach. Well, I got an e-mail from my mom yesterday and the news was not good.

Please pray for me and my family in these next few weeks--they found out that my grandfather's cancer is much more serious than the tests and scans indicated, and that he might not have much longer to live. This is devastating news at the best of times, but as I am halfway across the world from my family right now I'm feeling very helpless and distraught. Please pray for us as we cope with the news, and as we make hard decisions about what to do next. Please pray for my grandparents as they make arrangements and deal with the news themselves. We know the Lord is in control, and if He calls him home we will rejoice that he is at least face to face with his beloved savior even as we grieve his parting.

"In my distress I cried to the Lord, and He heard me...I will lift my eyes up to the hills--from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth...Behold He would keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep."


  1. Yes I do pray for you as it is hard being away
    from family when things like this happen. You
    are doing a good work and God will Bless you
    for your labors. Thank goodness I didn't lose
    a parent while I was overseas at 20 yrs. of age, but did miss 3 Sisters & a Brothers Weddings. Not in the same catigory, but had wanted to attend. Hope your classes are going
    well...I am so proud of you..

  2. Lina, we are praying for your grandfather, and the whole family.
