Friday, November 25, 2011

The end of the tunnel is in sight...

Today was our Christmas music assembly (which was my bright, not thinking "Oh, that's report card wee!k" idea...), and thought it went for almost two hours, I think it was really good. Some people could have practiced more, the heart-stopping technical failure was a little much (PtL it was able to be fixed), and overall I think a good time was had by all. I want to do that again next year, but I hope it will be shorter, and I hope to have things organized better.

I'm still plugging away at report cards--I have till tomorrow midnight to get them in. The server is down tonight so I'm about to head home to pack since I can't get at the report cards. I have to have my luggage over at Kalene before Sunday because we'll be full on Thursday, so over I go. It's really weird to be packing to be a guest in my own home...

I only have one more final to mark--the grade 6 grammar, and then it's just the long process of trying to write intelligent comments. I find that the tireder I get, the worse I see, hear, type, walk, talk, and pretty much do everything. I think I might have to take a celebratory nap on Sunday...

Okay, enough rambling. Back to packing! It's a month from Christmas today!

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