Sunday, June 28, 2015

Week 8 With Some Highlights of the Last Few Weeks

Life has been rather busy here at the little school in the bush. I picked up a class for a staff member who went on furlough, preparations are starting for the end of term program, and the never ending mountains of marking. A grade 1 broke her arm playing on the see-saw (the second broken arm and third arm injury in less than a year), and the fire break around the school was burned. We had our first half-term; here are a few pictures from that.

One of the half-term mornings was crazy hair day; the junior boys had a lot of fun with this!

We’ve had several former students from Australia visiting this weekend; it’s been fun to visit with them, hear stories of the good ol’ days, and get to see them enjoying this as a positive experience. We also have some visitors from the UK who have been helping out in many different areas.

Please keep praying that the Lord will provide staff for next year. We are loosing a core teacher, and so far there doesn’t seem to be anyone interested. Whether His answer is more grace, or another person, we want to rest fully in Him. After all, this is His school, not ours!

Parting shot: Sunrise in the bush

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your updates. I look forward each month to finding out what the Lord is doing in your life and the life of the school.
    God Bless, Lynne
