Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Last Week

As I work through my truly daunting list of ‘Things that MUST be done,’ ‘Things that probably aught to be done,’ and ‘Things I would LIKE to be done’ lists, I’m so grateful to be finished with report cards. Huzzah—I survived 7 years of the crazy! I got an average of 5 hours of sleep each night last week, and I was on the verge of tears a few times, but there were no major meltdowns, and so far I have managed to snatch a few naps while also being productive. God is good.

Lets see… A lot of this last week is a hazy blur as I marked, wrote report cards, and worked on a variety of end of term related projects. I celebrated Thanksgiving two days late with Beth and Ruthie.

Progress continues on the covered play areas; they are starting to pour the floor.

We celebrated leavers party tonight--games, food, and the presentation of bibles to the leavers. The theme was Bible Characters.

And, the Zambian skies are again amazing. Just two more days till I head out!

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