Monday, February 1, 2016

A Visit and Recorders

I had my busiest weekend—lots of dishes, two rivers, and junior Sunday school in the afternoon. On top of that, some representatives from CMML, MSC, and Echoes (the American, Canadian, and British Brethren mission organizations) came out to talk about future planning. I always enjoy it when people from CMML come through; I so often feel forgotten out here. As I told Phil last night, it is such a gift to feel heard. So, thank you so much for taking the time to come out and visit us cantankerous, crazy, stubborn, opinionated people that you are supporting out here!

This last week I was really excited that the food order boxes were unpacked, as that meant that I got one of my boxes of things that I had ordered way back in August of last year. In this particular box was the new shipment of recorders that I had actually needed just that day for the grade 5 students. We start the kids on recorder in grade 5 here at Sakeji, and then get them into private piano, guitar, flute, or trumpet lessons in grade 7 or 6 if we have enough teachers. It was such blessing to get these just in time for the new school year!

In science class we are studying Botany, and on Friday we talked about the parts of a flower. So, we dissected some Flame Lilies and Hibiscus so we could experience the parts for ourselves. Here is an example of one of their papers:

Parting shot: We've been having a lot of very cold, rainy weather here; sunsets are a rare privilege!

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