Monday, July 15, 2013

June Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been stateside for three months now—where has the time flown? It’s been so nice to have this time away to take care of some shopping, getting refreshed spiritually and emotionally, and to enjoy seeing friends and family. While I was sorry to give up the coolness of dry season for the blast furnace of an East Texas summer, I’ve enjoyed experiencing the tastes, smells, and sounds of summer for the first time in three years. My sister’s wedding was a special time for my family with many willing hands pitching in make it happen, and it was a special treat to get to see my mom’s three brothers as well as all my grandparents and my dad’s sister. I have enjoyed getting to know my new brother in law, and watching Mary and Jordan start their married life together.

In the next two months I am going to be doing quite a bit of traveling around the country, both driving and flying, so prayers for safety and endurance would be appreciated! My mom and I will be driving to Tennessee to visit my grandparents at the end of July, and then heading to St. Louis for a few days at the beginning of August. Right after I get back from St. Louis I will be flying up to Montana and then over to Ohio to visit some friends. I am excited about getting to see some new parts of the US as well as spending some time with some dear friends.

As I start to think about wrapping things here up, there are lots of things to consider and try to squeeze in. Any trip to the states involves shopping for a lot of things that just aren’t available in Zambia for my home, my classroom, and sometimes the station. I’m also trying to spend time with all the people I want to see, and giving a presentation or two about my work at Sakeji. Here are some specific prayer points for Sakeji and myself as I return to the school to start third term.

• As I begin to plan my trip back to Zambia at the end of August, I need to make a decision about how to get back up to the school. I will have to fly either most or all of the way, but there are a lot of factors such as price, convenience, and luggage to consider.

• For guidance and help as I continue to work on sourcing materials and making decisions about what to take back with me and what to ship on the container. There are only so many pounds of luggage that the airlines will let you check, and there quite a few things that I would love to be able to bring back for my home, classroom, and friends.

• Prayers for a quick recovery from travel and jet lag in September, wisdom as I slot back into my roles at Sakeji, plan out my term and start work on the end of term program would be greatly appreciated!

• Wisdom for the staff at Sakeji as we work to disciple every child, grace as we work together in a very close environment, for the Lord to bring the right people to Sakeji at the right time, and that our students will grow to love and honor the Lord are all things that we constantly pray for. This upcoming term is also when we will start the process of reviewing applications and make decisions about which students will be joining us for the 2014 school year.

Thanks again for all your prayers, and the many ways that you have shown the love of Christ to me, particularly while I’ve been on furlough. I have greatly enjoyed getting to see many of you, and hope to squeeze a few more visits in before I return to Zambia. May He find us faithful wherever we are!

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